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10 hacks you wish you knew about smelling delicious all day long without perfume

Updated: Feb 22

You know those times when you get a whiff of a fragrance passing through an old city lane and it instantly reminds you of that one person who just always smells that good all of the time. 

In today’s day and age where romanticising your daily life like you’re in a film is a thing, fragrances play a huge role in helping you embody your main character energy and making you feel good about yourself. 

Seriously, all you have to do is to puff a few drops of your signature scent on your collar and then watch yourself have the most productive, most romantically happy day. On top of that, it also makes people aware of your presence in the room. All in all, smelling good all the time sounds pretty good, right? 

Sadly, it’s not always feasible for all of us to keep buying bottles of expensive perfumes and not just financially, but also, in the matters of our skin health. Perfumes and deodorants, especially the ones that last longer, have been proven to have harmful chemicals and alcohol that disrupt your hormones leading to serious health conditions like skin irritation, improperly developed sexual organs, infertility, growth of cancer cells and tumours. 

Well, thankfully, the answer to smelling and feeling good all day doesn’t just end with chemically made perfumes. Here are 10 things for smelling delicious all day without any perfume.


1. Sweat a lot for smelling delicious all day without any perfume.

Wait, wait! Don’t turn away just yet. You’re still reading your guide to smelling delicious all day without any perfume 101 and sweating actually really helps you with that.

 When you sweat a lot, the oils from your body clear out the impurities from the pores of your skin and helps you regulate the temperature of your body. In fact, there have been many recent studies that have proven that sweat in itself doesn’t stink. Sweat, actually, boosts the pheromones present in your skin but the reason for smelly sweat can be the bacteria that gets latched with your skin. 

So, workout and sweat as much as you can. Get those pheromones going! If anything, you’ll be smelling good and glowing by the end of the workout session. But if you’re still looking for a fix for body odour, then you should…

Drink water and eat fruits to smell delicious all day without perfume

2. Drink lots of water for smelling delicious all day without any perfume.

I know, this is an obvious one but does it work? A hundred per cent. You need to drink lots of water to release the toxins from your body through your sweat. If you stay dehydrated, the bacteria and toxins in your body will accumulate in one place and make you stink. We don’t want that, do we? 

3. Diet for smelling delicious all day without any perfume.

Smelling delicious all day without any perfume lies in eating good as well.

It’s best to eat fruits with a lot of water content in them. Citrus fruits like oranges, pineapple, watermelon, strawberries, lemon etc will be really helpful in making your sweat odourless and your body clear of toxicity. 

This calls for noting things that you shouldn’t eat for smelling good. For example, you should definitely avoid garlic, onions, cabbage, and consuming stuff like cigarettes, alcohol, and caffeine which are often romanticised and considered cool but will end up making you stink. 

4. Oral hygiene for smelling delicious all day without any perfume.

Now, of course, you can’t always avoid foods like that, especially when you’re out, so it’s essential to take some extra care to maintain your oral hygiene.

 Brush your teeth twice a day- once, when you wake up and next, right after you’ve had your dinner. Invest in a good tongue scraper and floss. 

You can also try to use mouthwash or lukewarm salted water to clean your teeth after every meal you eat, and never forget to always, always carry mints. These practices will reduce your morning or after eating breath, and all in all, increase your chances of smelling delicious all day without any perfumes or chemicals. 

5. Avoid smelly feet for smelling delicious all day without any perfume.

One thing that defeats the whole purpose of smelling good is having smelly feet because it doesn’t matter whether you’re wearing a perfume or not, or how long-lasting your scent is – if your feet smell, you smell. 

You should always avoid wearing socks when your feet are wet and wait for them to dry first. If you wear your socks while your feet are still wet, you are likely going to develop fungus between your toes that will make you smell, and trust me that’s not the smell you want to get remembered by when you enter the room. 

Always remember to wear fresh and clean socks. Moisturize your feet with a scented foot lotion. If you want to be a little extra with it, you should also consider doing regular pedicures monthly for having clean feet. It really levels up your game on smelling delicious all day without any perfume. 

6. Shaving for smelling delicious all day without any perfume.

It’s a small step but it really helps you in n smelling delicious all day without any perfume. Recent studies have proven that having body hair, especially in closed, intimate areas that get covered from clothes and don’t get exposure to air, traps bacteria and makes your body odour smell bad because of sweat and germs. That’s why it’s also beneficial for you to shave your body hair every once in a while. 

7. Exfoliate regularly for smelling delicious all day without any perfume.

Using scented scrubs and body exfoliators wins the skincare game every single time. We already know that having a clean and up-top hygiene will keep you smelling delicious all day without any perfume.  Just imagine what wonders it’ll do when you wash and exfoliate your body with scented products. 

Lucky for you, if you can’t afford expensive smelling good body scrubs, you can make one for yourself. We have a whole blog about scrub recipes to make at home that you can check right now. But if you’re too lazy to do that, we also have handmade soaps of our own with exfoliating properties and fragrances so delicious that will leave you walking out like a candy on a stick. 

Shave and exfoliate regularly to smell delicious all day without using perfume

8. Hair hygiene for smelling delicious all day without any perfume.

In the words of One Direction, “The way that you flip your hair, it gets me overwhelmed.” Overwhelmed because of how bad your hair smells.

If you have greasy, dirty hair filled with dandruff, then your hair likely smells and not in a good way. So, in order to be smelling delicious all day without any perfume, you have to make sure that your scalp is clean. Make sure to wash your hair at least once every week. Ideally, you should wash your hair twice every week and when you’re shampooing, make sure that you wash off all of the product. When the shampoo remains unwashed on your hair, the chances of getting more dandruff increases. 

Avoid dry shampoos at all costs. Use Indian amla oil, almond oil or olive oil, instead of conditioners to moisturize your hair for 2 to 3 days every week, and then rinse your hair with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar after keeping it for five minutes on your scalp.  

9. Scented lotions and body oils for smelling delicious all day without any perfume.

After coming from your shower, put some scented lotion or body oil all over your body before you dry your skin with the towel. Body oils are especially effective for getting the last longing fragrance. 

10. Accessories and Extras for smelling delicious all day without any perfume.

Here are a few bonus tips for you that will keep you smelling delicious all day without any perfume.

Firstly, stay away from dirty clothes. Rinse your clothes with vinegar if you’re trying to get rid of a strong bad smell from your clothes and always wear fresh and clean clothes every single day. You can also be a little extra and invest in some good scented detergents that will make your clothes smell better.

 Also, avoid using fabric softeners as they don’t do a very good job of getting rid of the foul smell from your clothes. 

Wash your shoes regularly and always wear a fresh pair. Polish your shoes every day. Trust me, polished shoes don’t just look good. They also smell good. 

Carry a bag of flowers to smell delicious all day without wearing a perfume

Lastly, make a fragrant statement with your outfit. Buy yourself some flowers and carry them with you in your tote bag. If you are desi at heart, wear gajra (Jasmine flowers) or genda phool (Marigold flowers) in your hair or wrap them around your wrist like a bracelet!

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