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Top 5 Home Remedies for Reducing Facial Hair

Thanks to the internet’s movement to normalise and embrace natural beauty. Facial hair has become a common thing, not just for men but also for women. Although having facial hair has become less embarrassing for women these days, it’s still important to remove facial hair. Sadly, grooming and being presentable play an essential role.

When you’re not well-groomed and your facial hair is darkening your face, that says a lot about how you treat yourself and if you take yourself seriously or not.

When you choose to take care of the way you look, it’ll open doors for you that you’d never imagined because that will show that you invest in yourself, and so, however, you treat yourself will get reciprocated back to you by the world.

home remedies for reducing facial hair

To manage or reduce facial hair growth, there are several home remedies for reducing facial hair. It's important to remember that results can vary based on individual factors like skin type, hair texture, and underlying health conditions. While shaving and tweezing are always an option but they often take time, leave redness on your skin and also, and can be very painful. So, here are some common home remedies for reducing facial hair:

#1 Home Remedies for reducing facial hair: Turmeric and Honey

home remedies for reducing facial hair

All you have to do is put a thick coat of warm honey on the opposite side of your hair growth. Let it dry for 10-15 seconds, then apply a thick coat of turmeric powder on the side of your hair growth and then rub your finger in the upward direction of your hair growth. Make sure to take more powder content to easily get rid of the facial hair.

#2 Home Remedies for reducing facial hair: Banana and Cornstarch flour

home remedies for reducing facial hair

Cut a banana into pieces and then put it into the blender along with some sugar so that it makes a good exfoliating paste. Apply the paste over your hair growth in one thin coat. Then apply one thick coat of the cornstarch flour in the opposite direction of your hair growth and rub it gently to get rid of the facial hair.

#3 Home Remedies for reducing facial hair: Lemon juice and Honey

home remedies for reducing facial hair

Mix 2 tbsp of honey with a few tbsp of lemon juice. Then apply the paste on the opposite side of the hair growth. Rub the paste gently over the growth area to fully exfoliate the facial hair.

#4 Home Remedies for reducing facial hair: Gram flour (Besan), Turmeric, Milk and Honey

home remedies for reducing facial hair

Mix gram flour (Besan), turmeric, milk and honey together as a thick paste and then apply it everywhere on the hair growth area. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes. Once the paste is completely dry, rub it with your dry hands to fully get rid of your facial hair in one go.

#5: Home Remedies for reducing facial hair: Whole wheat, lemon juice and curd

home remedies for reducing facial hair

Mix whole wheat, lemon juice and curd as a thick paste and then apply the thick coat of the mixture on the area where you want to get rid of the facial hair. Keep the paste for half an hour till it is completely dry and then rub it gently over the growth area.

Other Home Remedies for reducing facial hair


This is a quick and easy method but offers only short-term results. Shaving is the most common and accessible method for removing facial hair. It’s quick, easy, and cost-effective. However, it’s important to use a sharp, clean razor to prevent skin irritation and cuts. Shaving cream or gel can provide a protective barrier. This method is best for those who are looking for a fast, temporary solution. Shaving can be done with either electric or manual razors. Using a soothing shaving cream or gel can help reduce skin irritation.


This method involves plucking individual hairs with tweezers. It's more time-consuming but can provide longer-lasting results than shaving. It's best for small areas of hair.


Waxing removes hair from the root, ensuring a smoother finish that lasts longer than shaving. There are two types of waxing: soft and hard wax. Soft wax is spread thinly over the skin and removed with cloth strips, while hard wax hardens on the skin and is removed without strips. This method is suitable for those who want longer-lasting results and can tolerate some pain. This method provides longer-lasting results than shaving or tweezing. Be aware that it can be painful and may cause skin irritation.


This method involves using a thin thread to remove hair from the follicle. It's precise but can be uncomfortable.

Diet to reduce facial hair

Maintaining a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle can sometimes help regulate hormones and reduce hair growth. You can include certain foods in your diet that can increase your estrogenic hormones that can help reduce your facial hair. These foods include sunflower seeds, soya milk, soy chunks, tofu, sesame seeds, flax seeds.

Before trying any of these home remedies for reducing facial hair, especially the more invasive or chemical-based ones, it's a good idea to consult with a dermatologist or healthcare provider, particularly if you have sensitive skin or a medical condition. They can provide personalized advice and help you choose the most suitable method for your needs.

The importance of removing facial hair varies greatly depending on individual preferences, cultural norms, and personal reasons. For some, it's a cosmetic choice, while for others, it can be related to personal hygiene or comfort.

Choosing the right home remedies for reducing facial hair method depends on your individual needs and circumstances. Whether you prefer the quick simplicity of shaving, the precision of threading, or the long-term results of laser treatments, there's a method that can work for you. Remember to consider factors like skin sensitivity, pain tolerance, and budget when making your decision

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