If you have a constant online presence, you might have come across this term called “The Mewing”. It started off as a trend of people making reels about their double chin disappearing instantly, live on camera just by repositioning their tongue in a specific way.
Although at that time, everyone called on it as a sham practice, health studies later showed that this practice is actually called Mewing which is a face yoga technique that helps you reshape your jawline in a more angular state and gets rid of your double chin with enough practice.
Other than this some medical studies also claim that mewing also helps in curing sinus and speech impediments, improves sleep and reduces snoring or mouth breathing.
Some people have seen the difference in their facial appearance while others have failed to do so. While there isn’t a lot of evidence about whether mewing is effective or not, facial exercises like mewing when done consistently really does change your appearance. These can activate blood circulation in your skin with constant practice and especially if you employ facial massages into the mix as well.
Does Mewing work? How to do mewing correctly?

In simple words, for you to learn how to do mewing correctly, all you have to do is follow a couple of steps consistently, and that is to keep your mouth closed and lips sealed so that your tongue can flat line rest on the roof of your mouth, which will give your jaw a chiselled shape and remove your double chin instantly. With constant practice, you may notice that you have eliminated your double chin altogether.
While this method on how to do mewing correctly may seem easy but it has its challenges. A lot of people struggle to breathe or keep their mouth in that position to sufficiently practice mewing effectively. So, in order to make it easier for you to do mewing, here are our top 5 techniques on how to do mewing correctly:
1. The sing technique on How to do mewing correctly
The main thing that you need to focus on when it comes to how to do mewing correctly is that you have to get your tongue to rest flat on the top roof of your mouth. This can be easily achieved by producing the “N” sound or when you speak the word “SING”, and hold that tongue position for about five minutes. This is called the SING technique which easily helps your tongue land up the way you want it for mewing correctly. Practice producing “N” sound or saying “SING” twice or thrice every day for about five minutes at least.
2. Tongue-bite technique on How to do mewing correctly

Another thing that you can do is the Tongue-Bite technique to practice how to do mewing correctly. As the name suggests, you just have to place your tongue between your teeth or close to your teeth and make sure that your lips are sealed. This will automatically give you a no-double chin, and angled jawline. Try holding this position for at least five minutes.
3. Cobra pose technique on How to do mewing correctly

If you practice yoga, you must be familiar with the Cobra pose. It’s where you have to lie on your belly and hold your neck up so as to look up at the sky. You can also bend backwards to relax and stretch your back with this position. What this does is that it stretches your body away from your neck and also stretches your back which plays a huge role in slimming down your neck and chin. You can practice this easy technique on how to do mewing correctly by lying down on your bed anytime and stretching your neck upwards.
4. Chin forward hold technique on How to do mewing correctly

Other than doing the chin-up hold position, you can also try doing the chin-forward hold position on how to do mewing correctly. All you have to do is to position your lower teeth above your upper teeth or just slide your chin forward in an overbite position. Practice this movement for five minutes every day to get rid of the double chin fat fast.
5. Straight back technique on How to do mewing correctly

Your posture plays a huge role in how to do mewing correctly and how fast you get rid of your double chin. If you are always slouching, your back will become rounded with a hump and tires of your skin fat will appear on your neck which will build up to be your double chin. That’s why its very important for someone to practice how to do mewing correctly to fix their posture and hold their back straight.
Alternatives to get rid of the double chin and practice how to do mewing correctly
Stay away from dairy products, salt, sugar or processed foods –

Eating specific foods that are bad for your health such as dairy products, sugar, salt, oil and processed foods can get stored in your neck area that can cause you to get double chin. That’s why you must drink lots of water, eat veggies and fresh foods.
Eat mints or chewing gum –

It’s an old technique to get rid of the double chin but will double your results if you practice how to do mewing correctly along with it. Chew mints or chewing gum every single day to faster results in slimming down your face fat.
Chew your food slowly –

There’s no rush! Chew your food slowly. This won’t just prevent your fats to get stored around your neck but will also help you in keeping you slim overall.
Keep your lips sealed! –

Keep your mouth and your lips sealed. A lot of people have also now started using mouth tapes to tape up their mouth when they are not doing anything that involves them speaking up or especially when they are sleeping. What this does is that it helps improve their sleep, decreases their snoring and also slims down their double chin with practice.
Avoid mouth breathing –
If you constantly breathe through your mouth instead of your nose, then chances are that you always look lazy, tired and bleh. Not only that but it also increases the chances to get your double chin to grow fatter. Instead, practice meditation on a daily basis and breathe in and out through your nose.
Practice physical exercise –

Nothing beats physical exercise when it comes to slimming down any part of your body. Even if it is just your face! You don’t have to necessarily do any high intensity exercises. You can dance, do yoga, or pilates or just go on a run every single morning to get your body to slim down. When your body slims down, your face will too.
Practice face yoga with Gua sha –

Gua sha is the self-care, skin care girlies’ move these days! You can apply a few dabs of aloe vera gel or your face oil on your face, massage it well all through your facial nodes, and then use your gua sha to get the optimum level of that jawline that you have been aiming for! You can also do your gua sha during or after you do your mewing techniques to get faster results.